HE here. So the site is redone! how perty is it, yo? I'd like to thank
JHC and CJ for the color ideas. mwaahaha. Peppermints rawk. I'll be adding
more crap and updating soon. YAY.
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It's the rare, hard to find, and basically non-existent legacy of Halite. Brace yourself. |
The Death Metal Years. Available only in cassette form.
1. Satan's Brutal Hammer of Death
2. The Blood of Your Mother
3. Did You Ever Wonder What It Would Feel Like to Slice Up Your Throat and Reach Your Hands Into Your Neck and Tickle Your Eso-pha-gus?
4. Your Head on a Flagpole
5. Morbid Visions of Love
6. Set Me on Fire and Piss on Me
7. Burnt Offerings of Halite to Satan
Available only at BreakFest 91 in cassette form. These were sold at the shows early in the tour, they were sold out by the time we got to Phoenix and couldn't get any more made in time for the rest of the tour.
1. Halite in Your Wounds
2. Bad Neighbor
3. Bake Stuff
4. Whole Lotta Baking
5. I Hope Willie Wonka Haunts Your Dreams at Night
6. 99 Luft Balloons (Death Metal Version)
7. Halite in the U.K. (later changed to Keebler Trees in the U.K.)
8. I'm Gonna Cut Your Mullet Off, You Jackass
This one was released on actual vinyl in 93 on BakedElves Records (BOO! HISS!) The title refers to yet another one of Jax's unfortunate incarcerations. This was an EP with just 4 songs, and was sold during the CheapDirtyBars tour. Came with a free Halite T-Shirt.
1. Indecent Exposure (featuring Jon of Ikari Warriors)
2. Lets Lynch the Keebler
3. Bake Stuff (Alternate Lyrics)
4. We are Recycling Bastards
An actual CD. Sort of. One of our fans (psycho pam) recorded this show at BrasilFest 93. She made MP3s out of all the songs and burned them and sent them to us. We turned out about 100 of these very rare cds..consider yourself lucky if you own one, none of the members of Halite even has one! Comes with cover art by Brazilian Hardcore God Pedro Stanzione. Track listing:
1. Bake Stuff
2. Bad Neighbor
3. Keeblers in the U.K. (first time ever played)
4. Halite in Your Wounds
5. Salt 'em
6. Keebler With a Shovel
7. MTV Get off the Air (Dead Kennedys Cover with Pedro on guest vocals)
8. Medley..Pump up the Jam, Whoomp There it is, I Believe I Can Fly
9. Blood of Your Mother
This was our second attempt with BakedElves Records. It is the only real actual official compact disc release by Halite. There wasn't that many printed because as soon as the cd was completed, things got ugly with the satan worshipers of BakedElves. They destroyed most of the cds that were printed. We know there are still a few floating around out there, if you have one please email us. We are willing to bargain with you.
1. The Coming Curse
2. Gym Teacher on Crack
3. Billy Corgan's Head
4. Dude
5. Express Written Consent
6. Dream Theater Sucks
7. Hopelessly Tragically Unloved
8. Fuck You, Whore